GFOOD Spiru4 Spirulina

GFOOD Spiru4 Spirulina

The food of the future

What is Spirulina?

Spirulina is one of the oldest life forms on Earth. In fact, this blue-green microalga is partly responsible for producing the oxygen in the planet’s atmosphere that, billions of years ago, allowed the planet’s original life forms to develop.

Spirulina is a spiral-shaped microalga. The only food proposed by NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) to be the Astronauts’ food for long term space missions.

NASA declared that 1 gram of Spirulina has the equivalent nutrients of 1 kilogram of assorted balanced fruit and vegetables.

  • 50 x more iron than spinach
  • 6 x richer in iron than raw beef liver
  • 10 x more potassium than most fruit and vegetables
  • 6 x more protein than eggs.
  • More antioxidants in a single teaspoonful than any food known to man

What does
Spirulina contain ?

  • Between 55% and 70% protein
  • Rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, E and K
  • Number one source of chlorophyll
  • Contains 18 amino acids
  • 8 x more antioxidants than blueberries
  • 3 x more protein than meat
  • 25 x more beta-carotene than carrots
  • 26 x more calcium than milk

What does
Spirulina contain ?

  • Between 55% and 70% protein
  • Rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, E and K
  • Number one source of chlorophyll
  • Contains 18 amino acids
  • 8 x more antioxidants than blueberries
  • 3 x more protein than meat
  • 25 x more beta-carotene than carrots
  • 26 x more calcium than milk
  • 4 x more iron than raw beef liver
  • 50 x more iron than spinach
  • 6 x richer in iron than raw beef liver
  • 10 x more potassium than most fruit and vegetables
  • 6 x more protein than eggs.
  • More antioxidants in a single teaspoonful than any food known to man

Who can eat Spirulina ?

Few side effects have been reported from Spirulina , when consumed at recommended levels.

People who have phenylketonuria (PKU), those who take anticoagulants, pregnant women and individuals who have an autoimmune disease should let their health provider know, as it could interact with other medication.

How much and in which form I can take Spirulina ?

The daily recommended dosage for dry form is between 4 grams for ordinary people and 8 grams for athletes.
The daily recommended dosage for fresh form is between 16 grams for ordinary people and 32 grams for athletes.
Spirulina can be consumed either fresh or dried, mixed with fruit juice or a smoothie, with water or a favorite salad or yogurt. For a comfortable dosage, Spirulina can be found in tablet form.

Who can eat Spirulina ?

Few side effects have been reported from Spirulina , when consumed at recommended levels.

People who have phenylketonuria (PKU), those who take anticoagulants, pregnant women and individuals who have an autoimmune disease should let their health provider know, as it could interact with other medication.

How much and in which form i can take Spirulina ?

The daily recommended dosage for dry form is between 4 grams for ordinary people and 8 grams for athletes.
The daily recommended dosage for fresh form is between 16 grams for ordinary people and 32 grams for athletes.
Spirulina can be consumed either fresh or dried, mixed with fruit juice or a smoothie, with water or a favorite salad or yogurt. For a comfortable dosage, Spirulina can be found in tablet form.

  • May help to reduce high cholesterol levels
  • Offers neuron protection for brain disorders
  • May help balance blood sugar
  • Provides muscle and endurance benefits
  • and has many other beneficial effects

Why I should eat Spirulina ?

  • Is contains an incomparable source of vitamins
  • Is an unbelievable source of protein
  • Is a powerful source of antioxidants
  • Lowers the risk of Stroke
  • Helps prevent Cancer and boosts memory
  • May help to reduce the effects of some allergies
  • May help reduce heavy metal from the body

Why I should eat Spirulina ?

  • Is contains an incomparable source of vitamins
  • Is an unbelievable source of protein
  • Is a powerful source of antioxidants
  • Lowers the risk of Stroke
  • Helps prevent Cancer and boosts memory
  • May help to reduce the effects of some allergies
  • May help reduce heavy metal from the body
  • May help to reduce high cholesterol levels
  • Offers neuron protection for brain disorders
  • May help balance blood sugar
  • Provides muscle and endurance benefits
  • and has many other beneficial effects

Why is spirulina essential for your health and well-being?

Why I should eat Spirulina?

Here some of the greats benefits for your health